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Monday, November 13, 2006

Creepy Crawly Spiders / It's Only the Wind

I really don't like spiders. Creepy, crawly hairy things with 12 legs that like to sneak up on you. Faster than a speeding bullet so you never know where they've gone.

Years ago, I used to make my little sister-- who wasn't afraid of bugs at all-- kill all of my spiders. No matter what time of day or night, I'd come find her. I think at one point she must have hit that age where she really didn't like them either, but she didn't complain very much about doing it for me.

I'd like to say that I've gotten better, but I haven't. I'll con just about anyone into killing them for me. The people I work with, customers, my husband (he's really good at it), they've all done it from time to time. But rarely can I work up the courage to do it myself.

Which is why you might understand that the worst possible thing in the world for me when it comes to spiders is wandering into the bathroom and looking at the floor and realizing that somewhere between crawling out of bed and getting out of the shower I've stepped on one of the little, or in this case humongous, buggers.

In bare feet.

Ew! Ew! Ew!
Last night, we had a wind storm. Gusts in some areas were supposed to hit over 100mph. Watching the news last night, I learned that what the winds are caused by a nearby low pressure system that draws the atmosphere to it. I never knew that.

Whatever the reason, I still love wind storms. I'm not an extremist. I don't think that I could sit through a hurricane or tornado and still claim to love the bend and sway of the trees and the rioting of the clouds. But there is something magical about watching the leaves dance and the earth shake with the force.

Neither my husband or my daughter are fond of the wind. It scares them. The noises, the howling, none of it makes them friends of the force of nature, but see, I have a theory about that too. The howling and screaming of the wind is God's way of sweeping up the evil spirits and clearing them out. Of making the air around us breathable again. His way, or the earth's way-- whichever you believe-- of shifting our lives.

So, I don't mind the wind.

Just umm... don't ask me to explain tornadoes or hurricanes with that one, okay? I'm sure I could produce a reasonable theory but I haven't had to yet, so... yeah. Don't have one. Nope. Sorry.

And, oh yeah, if God's reading this journal, please send a really, really, really good thunder and lightening show. Maybe one that lasts about three, four, or twelve hours. Once a year.

I'd love that!

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