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Wednesday, February 7, 2007

An Awkward Moment

Last night I took my nieces to a basketball game. Incidentally, it was a girl's basketball game which is unusual because I really don't like watching girl's play basketball as they lack the power and... machismo that men have. But also, I'm not a fan of the coach for the varsity girl's team. If nothing else, she demeans the girls. I hate that. I don't think you inspire change by asking them what the heck is wrong with them when they make a mistake. I think you just make them self-conscious and prone to more mistakes.

But that's just me.

Anyway, we're at the game and they run into someone that they know. It's the mom of one of the girls that they are familiar with from Church. It's obvious that they get along with this person, and I think that's great, but I didn't quite know how to take it when they offered to buy the girls (and me!) popcorn and drinks.

On one hand, it was very nice of them. On the other, I felt like the poverty stricken loser sitting there because I hadn't yet bought them something. Since they'd just eaten dinner, and we were planning to stay for the full of the second game, I figured it'd be nice a bit later.


Micki said yes, and Cait said yes to a bottle of water, and they were off. No chance to say, "Gee, I can get them that..." or much of anything else. Plus, I was in a bit of shock, I think.

You know, I think I'm just destined to be socially misfit. No wonder I want to write. It's the one job where the only people you have to talk to are fictional.

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