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Friday, June 13, 2008

Please Explain This to Me (A Rant)

switched pages on Myspace and as usual there was an ad at the top of the page I went to. This one was an advertisement to go and take a quiz and see if I'm "hotter than Miley Cyrus".

What I don't understand is... if you were in the real world, walking around, and you are a 40-year-old guy looking at a 14-year-old girl and calling her "Hot", you are a sicko-perv. I'd have to agree there is something wrong with you.

BUT... take a CELEBRITY 14-year-old girl and the world turns her into a sex-symbol. It is OKAY for that 40-year-old guy to put pics of her up and drool over her and the press will feed that until no one is hungry anymore.

WHY is it OKAY for the PRESS to play up the sexuality of an underage girl? WHY is it OKAY for the PRESS to call those girls "SEXY" and "HOT" and post pictures of them, making them out to be sexually-oriented, and the world turns a blind eye?

Isn't this somewhat two-faced of our society? Aren't we TEACHING people that this perversion is acceptable?! And then, after we've taught that to all the young men growing into older men that it is okay to view a underage girl in a sexual manner, we punish them for doing it later in life.

I don't think it's okay, but it makes me angry that we feed it and then expect that it won't eat.

Just a humble observation from someone that wonders if her daughter will be "symbolized" at 14.


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