Our story begins with this, LJS and I were both sick. The kind of sick that makes you just want to stay in bed all day long. The kind of sick that makes you fall asleep on the couch watching television while waiting for your daughter to fall asleep so that you could carry the Easter basket out into the living room and then carry yourself to bed. The kind of sick that makes you fall asleep on the couch and then NOT WAKE UP until the next morning when you hear a little tearful voice say, "Mom! The Easter Bunny didn't come!" followed by sniffles and heartbroken crying. We were both that kind of sick.
Unfortunately, we weren't both in trouble for not getting the basket out into the living room. I was, and LJS's footsteps as he took himself to the bathroom and whispered "You forgot the basket!?" sounded like loud thunder in my head. A head that was desperately scrambling for a way out of this mess.
I tried to comfort Short Person. "Honey, I'm sure he didn't forget. It's probably just somewhere we haven't looked yet. Let me get my contacts on and we'll take a look together." My contacts had clouded over from drying themselves under my eyelids all night, so I used the brief respite to think, think, think. In the background, LJS was also still grumbling at me.
"I can't believe you forgot, Woman." He groused.
"Just... take her in the bedroom and comfort her. I'll figure something out." I replied.
He took Shortie into our bedroom and talked to her and asked if she'd looked in various places, while I scrambled into the office to grab the basket and run into the kitchen to hide it. Looking furiously for the one place she hadn't yet looked. I found it on her desk chair, pulling it out a little bit and slipping it in so that it would be partially hidden and hard for her to find, and then hustled back into our bedroom to join the "where didn't you look" discussion.
"Okay, Honey, I have my contacts in now. Let's go take a look."
We all got out of bed and searched room by room, not finding anything. Short Person was on the verge of tears again when we finally halted in the dining room and I looked at her desk. "Ah... I know where it is."
"Look at your desk." I replied.
Short Person looked and her eyes finally settled on the basket. Joyful, she speculated, "I wonder why he put it there."
I looked around our house, which hadn't seen clean in a day or two and replied, "He probably couldn't find any other clean surface."
And we all headed back to the bedroom to see what the Bunny had brought her. Crisis averted.
Dying Easter Eggs, our only Easter activity for the day-- other than cooking the Ham dinner. We may have been sick, but we were still going to eat Easter dinner!
Disaster averted!!
ReplyDeleteAnd in the process, more memorable than usual Easter created. You will Not forget this one, guaranteed, lol.