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Friday, January 1, 2010

365 Resolution

If you've been following this blog at all, you will probably notice that I got off track in October. Thank you horrible flu. I've gone back and uploaded pictures to try and fill in the blank space, but obviously I can't recreate photos I did not take. It seems as though my 365 project has failed, especially since I'm actually writing this Resolutions post on January 13, 2010 (shh... don't tell!).

Something that did come out of this though is that, even if I cannot keep up the photo a day thing, I still have the desire to try. It's too awesome a pictorial diary of our lives to let the project completely die without a fight. So, I am going to cut myself some slack if I don't get the photo taken, and keep on keeping on.

The other thing I'm going to change is the photo count as the title. I may decide later to stick it somewhere up there, but for now I think it will be more fun to do the day and the occasion/title. Which, I suppose, really makes My 365 Project more of a photo journal, but hey... whatever. Right?

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