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Friday, March 5, 2010

Photo 136 - Hoop-a-Thon

Every school has fund-raisers for different causes. The Hoop-a-Thon is one of the fund-raisers they do for Short Person's school. It helps raise money for scholarships to the school. We were presented with a pledge sheet to track donations that could be made on a per hoop basis, or by flat fee.

Now, Mommy is willing to ask co-workers and some friends to donate, but for the most part if Short Person wanted people to pledge, she was going to have to ask them herself. So, after having the form for a couple weeks and ignoring it, I decided that we needed to get busy.

There was a chicken and dumpling dinner being hosted at the Masonic Hall by some friends of our, so paper in hand we went out to eat. There, I talked Short Person though the little speech she needed to give each person she asked. Initially, she was really nervous about doing it. But after getting anywhere from three to five signatures on her form, she was willing to ask anyone to donate money!

By the time she turned in her form, she had raised three times the hoped for minimum, earning her a t-shirt. Almost everyone pledged flat amounts, which is a great thing because by the end of the day, Short Person had made 49 baskets.

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