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Friday, August 24, 2007

It’s All About ME!

The last few days have been very trying where Short Person is concerned. I know that the house is in upheaval and she's feeling displaced since her room is so incredibly torn apart, but her attitude is just... stinky.

She won't listen... and when she does listen, she won't obey. She is throwing fits about everything. And, she's having major meltdowns.

But there are times when she's so darned funny or cute there is nothing left to do but forgive her the bad times. Tonight, is an example. One that was hilarious but also showcases her attitude for the past few days.

LJS and I were sitting in the office watching a television that's about 1/2 the size of the one in the living room. We'd been banished there because, as we were informed, it was not our turn yet. A Barbie movie was playing and Short Person wanted to make sure she watched it-- for the 500th time.

Since LJS and I would rather be covered in peanut butter while walking through a heard of wild dogs than watch Barbie dance around again, we were sitting in my office watching Grease and talking about the last time each of us had seen the movie. It was an ongoing conversation, and lasted for a little bit, and since Short Person doesn't like to be alone, she came to join us.

I love that, she joins us, so now we're all watching the small tv and no one is watching the bigger, nicer version. But anyway...

The last time I had seen Grease it had been at the drive-in. At least 100 people sitting on top of their cars, or in lawn chairs, or wherever singing along with the songs and quoting the lines. It was fantastic. Me too, I admit. It is hard to resist the pull of that many voices and fun songs. You just get sucked in.

LJS had only seen the movie once, when he was 10. The mom of his best friend at the time had taken them to it. He was remembering and scoffing about how the mom had enjoyed the movie, but two 10 year old boys had not. It was, after all, a musical and they were tough baseball playing boys.

We were laughing at the memories, only to be interrupted by Short Person, who was sitting on my lap.

"Stop talking, Guys. I need to tell you something."

We stop talking and look at her. "What is it?" I ask, prompting her.

"Okay Mom, you got to talk about me, and then Dad, you got to talk about me."

LJS and I shared a look, and he asked, "Oh. It's all about you, huh?"

Short Person thought for a minute and then looked at him. "Yep! Now talk about me."

So, LJS and I did what any parent would do, we laughed our butts off. Oh man, no truer statement had ever been spoken. Honest to the end.

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