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Monday, November 20, 2006

Bad Habits That Affect Other People

I'm talking specifically about drinking from the milk carton. Where exactly does one pick up this bad habit?

I'd think that if you were single and lived alone, perhaps it would be easy to do. I mean, who wants to dirty another dish, right? But I can't use that excuse. I've never lived alone. I've always had a roommate and eventually a husband.

So, as I was putting back the big gallon container, after upending it in order to swallow two Dayquil, it occurred to me that my bad habit has most likely just caused my husband and daughter to get the same cold I currently have.

Now, in my defense, my husband also shares this same bad habit. It affects the milk, the juice, the soda, and anything else that can be upended from the refrigerator. He has a ton of bad habits that affect other people. (Especially, the one where he insists upon clipping his toenails in the kitchen. Yuck! Yuck! Yuck! You know, those little things are sharp too! You can walk through the kitchen with bare feet only to discover that there's a nail shard that didn't get vacuumed or picked up and it plants itself in the bottom of your foot while you sit there in hysterical panic wondering if you need a rabies shot or something trying to get someone else's dna out of your foot and hoping they don't turn up dead and CSI doesn't come breaking down your door! It's really an earth shaking bad habit that causes me pain!)

So, this morning's milk carton event caused me to consider the rest of my bad habits and see if I have any others that affect other people. I've gone through the list and I think I'm good. Watching porn could be considered a bad habit, but it only affects other people if there's someone watching it with me-- and then you have to consider whether or not it affects them negatively. I go with no, considering that everyone was born with hands and the ability to use them. Now, if somehow they've tragically lost a hand in some fishing accident, well there's an incredible market of electronic devices and real live usable body parts I could direct them too.

Biting my toe nails only affects another person if they plan to kiss me-- and I use Listerine and brush my teeth daily, so really I think we're good.

If you happen to be reading this, have a wonderful day. I need to go shopping for another gallon of milk. You know, the one I keep in the back of the fridge in case company comes over and actually wants milk! LOL...

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